Town Branch FOP Lodge 83 was incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky on April 24, 2009.

On July 29, 2009, the charter members of the Lodge were accepted into membership in the Kentucky State Lodge.

On September 1, 2010, a charter application was accepted by the Grand Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police Incorporated; and under that charter, Town Branch FOP Lodge #83 was constituted as a Subordinate Lodge to Fraternal Order of Police, Bluegrass Lodge #4


Some brothers and sisters have asked “What in the world does ‘Town Branch’ mean?” The Town Branch of Elkhorn Creek runs under downtown Lexington. It breaks ground on the western edge of downtown and flows past the original campsite where the McConnell’s named Lexington, the Training Centers for the Divisions of Fire and Police, the former Lexington Workhouse and the shell of one of the old County Jails. It then flows west to form the northern boundary of the present Jail. It is the physical connection between the downtown Government Center and the Lexington-Fayette County Detention Center, through all the public safety officers, past and present, who serve the citizens.